Nettómótiđ 2020 og COVID-19

Ágćtu mótsgestir

Töluverđ umrćđa hefur eđlilega veriđ í ţjóđfélaginu varđandi COVID-19 veiruna og af ţví tilefni hafa nokkrar fyrirspurnir borist mótshöldurum um hvort af mótinu verđi.

Af ţví tilefni skal áréttađ, ađ engin áform eru um ađ fella mótiđ niđur.  Mótshaldarar hafa veriđ í samband viđ sóttvarnarsviđ landlćknis og engin ástćđa er talin til ađ falla frá fyrirhuguđum áformum. 

Lögđ verđur áhersla á almennt hreinlćti međ sérstaka áherslu á handhreinsun samkvćmt ráđleggingum. Eins er biđlađ til fólks sem veriđ hefur ađ finna fyrir lasleika, veriđ á skilgreindum hćttusvćđum s.l. 14 daga, eđa sent í sóttkví, ađ halda sig frá mótsstöđum sem og öđrum almenningsstöđum.

Á mótsstađ mun jafnframt verđa ađgengilegt handspritt međ sýnilegum hćtti og leiđbeiningar verđa settar upp sem víđast međ hvatningu um almennt hreinlćti og handţvott.

Mótshaldarar munu fara ađ öllu međ gát og gefa út frekari leiđbeiningar hér á heimasíđunni og dreifa til allra liđa međ öđrum gögnum. 

Íţróttasamband Íslands hefur jafnframt sent ađildarfélögunum sínum fjölpóst og vakiđ athygli á ađ fylgjast međ nýjustu uppfćrslum á vefsíđu embćttis landlćknis:

Embćtti landlćknis uppfćrir reglulega upplýsingar á vefsíđu landlćknis hér.

Bestu kveđjur

KarfaN, hagsmunafélag


Dear Participants,

There has been a lot of discussion lately about the COVID-19 virus. Because of all the concerns, regarding the virus, a few inquiries have been sent to the organizers if the tournament is still going to happen.

With all that being said, there is no intention in cancelling the tournament. The organizers have been in touch with the field of epidemiology of the Medical Director of Health and they found no reason to cancel the plans.

We will emphasize on general hygiene with a special emphasis on handwashing, according to recommendations. We also ask people that have been feeling sick, been in the predefined „danger zones“ in the last 14 days or have been sent to quarantine, to please stay away from tournament accommodations as well as other public places.

At the tournament accommodations there will be visibly accessible hand sanitizer as well as instructions around the area where guests are encouraged of general hygiene and hand washing.

The organizers will be careful, more detailed instructions will be published here on this website and distributed to all teams along with other documents.

The National Olympic and Sports Association of Iceland (ÍSÍ) has also sent all their members a mail and asked people to pay attention to the latest updated on the website of the Medical Director of Health.

The Medical Director of Health frequently updates their information on this website

Best regards

KarfaN, hagsmunafélag

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1 identicon

Í ljósi nýjustu upplýsinga um ađ einstaklingar séu nú farnir ađ smitast hér innanlands af Covid-19 stendur enn til ađ halda mótiđ međ óbreyttu sniđi?

Rín Raiss (IP-tala skráđ) 6.3.2020 kl. 16:10

Bćta viđ athugasemd

Ekki er lengur hćgt ađ skrifa athugasemdir viđ fćrsluna, ţar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liđin.


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